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CLI Commands


Shows usage and help information

opsconsole init

Creates a sample template file for a basic, layout only Ops Console.

opsconsole up

Starts the ops console by pulling down the docker images for the ops api ( and frontend ( and rebuilding them using dependencies included in your yaml file. This may take several minutes depending on your system's available resources. It creates a docker networking bridge called ops-console through which the containers communicate with each other. Specify the ops console you want to use with the -c flag.

opsconsole deploy

Deploys ops console on a TinyStacks hosted solution. Requires a free account and an API key. Specify the ops console you want to use with the -c flag.

opsconsole configure

Prompts for configuration information including an API token that will be used for deploying your console as a hosted solution. Not necessary for running locally via the "up" command.

opsconsole signup

Open signup portal to creating/managing account and API tokens. Not necessary for running locally via the "up" command.

opsconsole list

List the details of your existing hosted consoles. Requires an account and an API key.

opsconsole update

Updates the Ops Console CLI to the latest version


Flag Arguments Description
-a, --arch \<arch> Specifies the architecture. Defaults to 'x86'. Options: 'x86', 'arm'
-c, --config-file \<config-file> Specifies a config file. See the samples folder in this repo for sample config files. Looks for config.yml in the current working directory by default.
-V, --verbose Displays additional logs.
-b, --backend-port \<backend-port> Specifies the port to be exposed by the backend service. Defaults to port 8000.
-f, --frontend-port \<frontend-port> Specifies the port to be exposed by the frontend service. Defaults to port 3000.
-h, --help display help for this command