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Installation and Deploying


To use the default installation, you need to have docker installed.

Windows users must have Docker Desktop running.

Also please make sure that ports 8000 and 3000 are open, as those ports are used by the API and frontend. If these ports are reserved, you can specify different ports using the --backend-port and --frontend-port flags on the opsconsole up command.

Install from the Global NPM registry

# Install from the public npm registry
npm i -g @tinystacks/opsconsole;

# Use the CLI, refer to the usage guide below
opsconsole -v;

Local Installation

# Clone this package
git clone;

# Install dependencies and build
npm i; npm run build;

# Install the CLI globally
# Using the -g option installs the ops cli to your shell scope instead of the package scope. 
#  It adds the CLI command to bin, allowing you to call opsconsole from anywhere
npm i -g;

# Use the CLI, refer to the usage guide below
opsconsole -v;